Intruder mandela catalogue
Intruder mandela catalogue

The call can be ended when they stop responding to your questions. Calmly reassure the caller that help is on the way. FIRE When the caller has a fire-related emergency, contact our neighboring fire department with the address and a brief description of the event. POLICE When a caller needs a police, send available personnel to the address. There are three (and only three) scenarios that you will handle with a caller. MANDELA COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAINING VIDEO POSITION: EMERGENCY CALL OPERATOR While at the station, a situation may occur where the local 911 dispatchers run out of operators to handle calls, so they are given to us instead. If you have access to this recording and are not part of your local authority, please stop the video and discard of the tape immediately. NO ONE CAME FOR ME ATTENTION Viewing of the following footage is illegal and punishable by law if not previously cleared with your assistant. If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator. If you would like to make a call, please hang up and try again. While we heavily discourage any kind of contact or communication with an Alternate, we make exceptions for attempts at executing them yourself. These intelligent lifeforms utilize elements of psychological warfare to take advantage of their victims. If one managеs to break into your home, refrain from any kind of communication or contact with the threat. If you see a person that has a biologically impossiblе characteristic, run away and hide. If you see another person that looks identical to you, run away and hide. You will know if an Alternate exists solely based on their physical characteristics. Until we have a complete understanding of the threat, it is important to stay home, lock all doors and windows, and have access to a loaded firearm or any ranged weapon at all times. The original image for Lynn's hanging corpse is from the 28 year old deceased woman named Muzaffarnagar.We are currently receiving countless reports of unidentified hostile organisms that we'll refer to as Alternates.Lynn is seen hanging after the alternate in Face Studio 2 glitches. Near the end of the episode, Thatcher Davis and Ruth Weaver discover her hanged corpse. Jude believes the cause could be an imaginary friend, and Lynn is rightly confused considering the baby's age. Jude offers to help, Lynn asking if he will actually come over. We're briefly shown the two divorce papers, revealing the two were married in Jat 11:40 A.M. Jude asks Lynn if she is sure of something but she cuts him off saying she "unplugged it weeks ago". Lynn calls her ex-husband Jude Murray, telling him that the baby started crying again at the same time as before and Jude responds that he doesn't know how he can help. Lynn's voice is heard at the beginning of the episode as she tries to comfort her crying son. Lynn made a small cameo during the scene where 6 Flashes Imagery after Adam asked who are they. Later in the episode, 6 toys with Lynn's corpse.

intruder mandela catalogue

The sentence "distraught at the sight of her missing infant" repeatedly appears behind her. Lynn is seen stepping back and floating into the air, then revealed to have hanged herself in grief of her child being kidnapped by 6.

intruder mandela catalogue

Lynn enters the room alone and checks the crib, finding him missing and immediately discovers it as 6's doing when she notices their face on the television. Lynn and Jude Murray are seen outside of their baby's room as he begins to cry loudly.

Intruder mandela catalogue